Empirical game-theoretic methods for adaptive cyber-defense
MP Wellman, TH Nguyen, and M Wright
in S Jajodia et al. (Eds.): Adversarial and Uncertain Reasoning for Adaptive Cyber Defense, LNCS 11830, pages 112–128, 2019.
Game-theoretic applications in cyber-security are often restricted…
Deception in Finitely Repeated Security Games
TH Nguyen, Y Wang, A Sinha, and MP Wellman
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jan/Feb 2019.
Allocating resources to defend targets from attack is often complicated by uncertainty about the attacker’s capabilities,…
Multi-stage attack graph security games: Heuristic strategies, with empirical game-theoretic analysis
TH Nguyen, M Wright, MP Wellman, and S Singh
Security and Communication Networks, Article ID 2864873, 28 pages, 2018.
Extended version of a paper presented at the Fourth ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense, Oct 2017.
We study…
A Stackelberg game model for botnet data exfilitration
TH Nguyen, MP Wellman, and S Singh
8th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), pages 151–170, Oct 2017.
Cyber-criminals can distribute malware to control computers on a networked system and leverage these…