TH Nguyen, MP Wellman, and S Singh
8th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), pages 151–170, Oct 2017.
Cyber-criminals can distribute malware to control computers on a networked system and leverage these compromised computers to perform their malicious activities inside the network.
Botnet-detection mechanisms, based on a detailed analysis of network traffic characteristics, provide a basis for defense against botnet attacks. We formulate the botnet defense problem as a zero-sum Stackelberg security game, allocating detection resources to deter botnet attacks taking into account the strategic response of cyber-criminals. We model two different botnet data-exfiltration scenarios, representing exfiltration on single or multiple paths. Based on the game model, we propose algorithms to compute an optimal detection resource allocation strategy with respect to these formulations. Our algorithms employ the double-oracle method to deal with the exponential action spaces for attacker and defender. Furthermore, we provide greedy heuristics to approximately compute an equilibrium of these botnet defense games. Finally, we conduct experiments based on both synthetic and real-world network topologies to demonstrate advantages of our game-theoretic solution compared to previously proposed defense policies.
A preliminary version was presented at the AAAI-17 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Security.