
2010 Trading Agent Competition Results

The eleventh annual Trading Agent Competition was completed earlier this month at the ACM EC-10 conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  TAC-10 featured three games: the supply chain management (SCM), market design (reverse TAC, or “CAT”), and Ad Auctions (AA) games. Preliminary rounds began in June, involving 29 teams (7 in SCM, 11 in CAT, and 11 in AA) from 21 countries. A full list of participating teams is available.

Based on the qualifying and seeding rounds, the 6 SCM agents, 9 CAT agents, and 8 of the AA agents proceeded to the final tournament, on 7–8 June. The first day (semifinals) coincided with the Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis (TADA-10), where researchers presented their latest results on trading agent technology.

This year’s tournament was very competitive and exciting, particularly in the AA game where three of the top four agents’ average scores were separated by only 658 units.  Although the table below lists only the top-scoring agents for each game, many entries exhibited strong trading strategies. Complete SCM-10 score tables are also available.

Game Agent Association
SCM 1 TacTex University of Texas at Austin
2 DeepMaize University of Michigan
3 MinneTac University of Minnesota
CAT 1 Mertacor CERTH/ITI, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2 jackaroo ISL University of Western Sydney &
IRIT University of Toulouse
3 IAMwildCAT University of Southampton
AA 1 TacTex University of Texas at Austin
2 Schlemazl Brown University
3 Mertacor CERTH/ITI, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

TAC-10 would like to our 2010 sponsor, Yahoo!.