SRG paper wins Best Paper Award at ICAIF 2024
The paper titled "The Effect of Liquidity on the Spoofability of Financial Markets," led by Anri Gu, an undergraduate researcher with SRG, and coauthored by our recent PhD alum Yongzhao Wang, current PhD student Chris Mascioli, assistant research…

Market Making with Learned Beta Policies
Y Wang, R Savani, A Gu, C Mascioli, T Turocy, and MP Wellman
5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF), pages 643-651, November 2024.
In market making, a market maker (MM) can concurrently place many buy and sell…

A Financial Market Simulation Environment for Trading Agents Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
C Mascioli, A Gu, Y Wang, M Chakraborty, and MP Wellman
5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF), pages 117-125, November 2024.
We present PyMarketSim, a financial market simulation environment designed for training…

The Effect of Liquidity on the Spoofability of Financial Markets
A Gu, Y Wang, C Mascioli, R Savani, T Turocy, M Chakraborty, and MP Wellman
5th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF), pages 239-247, November 2024.
Recipient of the ICAIF24 Best Paper Award.
We investigate the…