Market manipulation: An adversarial learning framework for detection and evasion
X Wang and MP Wellman
29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Special Track on AI in FinTech, pages 4626–4632, 2020.
We propose an adversarial learning framework to capture the evolving game between a regulator…

My interview with Bill Powers on AI Decision Makers
Recorded June 2018, as part of a series on Machine Behavior, in conjunction with publication of a position paper in Nature on the topic.

Machine Behaviour
I Rahwan, M Cebrian, N Obradovich, J Bongard, 18 others, and MP Wellman
Nature, 568:477–486, 2019.
Machines powered by artificial intelligence increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic and political interactions. Understanding…

A Learning and Masking Approach to Secure Learning
L Nguyen, S Wang, and A Sinha
Ninth Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, October 2018.
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been shown to be vulnerable against adversarial examples, which are data points cleverly constructed…

Asimov Debate on Artificial Intelligence
I had the privilege of participating in the 2018 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate, on the subject of Artificial Intelligence, held at the American Museum of Natural History on 13 Feb. The event was hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, and featured five…

Bloomberg article about ASU Origins workshop on adverse AI outcomes
Last weekend I attended a very interesting meeting at Arizona State U, hosted by the Origins Project, devoted to discussions on potential adverse outcomes from AI, and how to avoid them. Bloomberg News ran an article describing it at high level.…

Ethical issues for autonomous trading agents
MP Wellman and U Rajan
Minds and Machines, 27:609-624, 2017.
The rapid advancement of algorithmic trading has demonstrated the success of AI automation, as well as gaps in our understanding of the implications of this technology…

Economic Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence
DC Parkes and MP Wellman
Science, 17 July 2015. Vol. 349 no. 6245 pp. 267-272.
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) strives to build rational agents capable of perceiving the world around them and taking actions to advance…

Putting the Agent in Agent-Based Modeling
MP Wellman
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 30:1175–1189, 2016.
Edited transcript of a talk presented at the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Paris, France), May 2014, on receipt of the…

Characterizing Strategic Cascades on Networks
T Martin, G Schoenebeck, and MP Wellman
15th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, pages 113–130, June 2014.
Transmission of disease, spread of information and rumors, adoption of new products, and many other network phenomena…