Workshop: The Systemic Impact of Digitization on Finance
I would like to draw your attention to a 1.5-day workshop on The Systemic Impact of Digitization on Finance, which will be held at the University of Zurich on December 19 and 20, 2019. Submissions are invited until November 15. Participation is open to everyone. The workshop particularly targets PhD and PostDoc-level researchers.
This workshop will provide a forum to young researchers, senior academics, and industry experts to discuss the impact of ongoing digitization on the financial system. We invite submissions of high quality theoretical or empirical research papers and posters on the effect of artificial intelligence, big data, FinTech, and other aspects of digitization in the world of finance and economics. Accepted papers will be presented alongside talks by high-profile invited speakers from academia and industry.
For details and a list of confirmed speakers, please see the attached PDF document or our website:
Submissions should be in the form of an extended abstract (1-2 pages) or a full paper including a short abstract. The submission deadline is November 15.
In case of further questions, please do not hestitate to contact:
Vladimir Petrov (Dept. of Banking and Finance, University of Zurich)
Olga Briukhova (Dept. of Banking and Finance, University of Zurich)
Steffen Schuldenzucker (Dept. of Informatics, University of Zurich, and Dept. of Computer Science, Goethe University Frankfurt)